Details for Menchies Run + Concrete Slide

Event has ended

Thu, Oct 22 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ( Add to Google Calendar | iCal)
Menchies at Euclid
Gain mass + test m*g*sinθ

We will visit Menchies to chill out and chill our insides, then head on over to the concrete slide at the Berkeley rose garden to ride on the concrete slides at the park.

Bring a piece of cardboard (large enough to sit on) if you would like to avoid wearing down your pants!

*Warning - Unless you are really good at sliding down curvy slides, it is possible that you will scratch your elbows a bit, so wear long sleeve t-shirts or jackets (preferably something that can withstand the abrasion against smooth concrete)

Candidate Requirements
This event satisfies 1 fun event requirement.

Who's signed up?

Participants: 7